Image Magic Printing Sdn Bhd

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Embossing Seal - the classy way to seal your signature.

Looking for a classy look to seal up that envelope in your office? Come and get you very own embossing seal from Image Magic Printing Company where we will provide you the best embossing seal. Embossing Seal is suitable for office use in order to emboss the company logo into the required places. However the need to reinforce high strengthen steel is crucial to with ensure durability, quality and rigidity.

Embossing seal in the making.

Image Magic advance engraving technology machine and our high quality brass-plate will give your seal press a remarkable imprint. With the variety of choices of embossing seal, you can choose whether to use it in the office desktop or storage as it is convenient and compact to carry.

Custom-make your very own embossing seal.

Customer can upload their embossing seal for us to produce or either design it in our online pre-ink stamp creator. Image Magic customer will have the facility on designing the embossing seal with ease.


*Please take note that we required letter of authorization if the embossing seal is for university, college , school or government sector. We will not proceed with the order if we does not have the authorization letter.

If you have any questions regard the product or ordering process, please have a look at our Frequent Ask Questions. If there any issue that you need to reach us for help, please email us at [email protected] or call 03-20726323, whatsapp: 012-615 2849.

1. What size do you have for embossing seal?

We have 5 type of embossing seals:

ES-40 (Pocket Type) - 39mm x 39mm

DESK-S1 (Desktop Type) - 39mm x 39mm

DESK-S2 (Desktop Type) - 39mm x 39mm

DESK-S5 (Desktop Type) - 52mm x 52mm

DESK-S6 (Desktop Type) - 42mm x 42mm

2. I do not have authorization letter for my college embossing seal, it is possible to do?

Unfortunately we unable to do without letter of approval from your college.

3. What paper type is suitable to stamp using this embossing seal?

ES-40, DESK-S1 & DESK-S2 - Suitable for paper weight between 80gsm - 120gsm.

DESK-S5 & DESK-S6 - Suitable for paper weight between 80gsm - 260gsm.

4. Is there any minimum font size for the embossing seal?

Yes, the minimum font size is 8pt and the outline or line should be in 0.5pt thickness. Less than that, the wording way not be see clearly.

5. I have JPG file only, can you help me to set the files accordingly?

Yes, please upload JPG file in the proportionate size according to your order, then we can help to set it into the booklet and send the files over to your for approval.

Please follow our guidelines when preparing for your artwork.

  • Download our templates, make sure your artwork is in the safe zone.
  • No images on the embossing seal.
  • Please outline the fonts.
  • Save your files as pdf format.
  • Make sure there is no wordings or element are set on overprint.