Image Magic Printing Sdn Bhd

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Beautiful Hard Cover Book Print (Perfect Bind)

If you have journals, manuals, program books, or even annual reports to be printed, then you are looking at the right page! Come on in and let us guide you through. We know you?ve put in a lot of efforts into your work so why not be a little extra and turn them into a book form so you won?t lose them easily? With this option from Image Magic team, we can get your hard cover book printing done in the shortest time possible. We provide you a timely solution and a neat outcome for your hard labor creation.

Variety of paper material to choose from for your hard cover book.

You can choose to customize your hard cover book with variety of material and at the same time adding special effect like spot uv at the book cover to make it feels like it is specially tailored for them. This marketing tricks encourage the return of your potential customers when they know that their attention matters to you.   Over hundreds of companies, non-profit organizations and associations discovered a higher return on their marketing investment by customizing their hard cover book materials. 

If you have something in mind that's different from what we have to offer, reach out to our Customer Service Rep, we have real people answering your questions instantly! 

If you have any questions regard the product or ordering process, please have a look at our Frequent Ask Questions. If there any issue that you need to reach us for help, please email us at [email protected] or call 03-20726323, whatsapp: 012-615 2849.

1. If I want to personalised my cover by different name or serial no?

Yes, we will be able to do it, please whatsapp us at 012-651 2849, extra charges may apply.

2. I can't find my required size, can I request a quote?

Yes, you can request your quote by clicking request quote at above top right side white button.

3. I have JPG file only, can you help me to set the files accordingly?

Yes, please upload JPG file in the proportionate size according to your order, then we can help to set it into the booklet and send the files over to your for approval.

    Please follow our guidelines when preparing for your artwork.

    • Download our templates, make sure your artwork is in the safe zone.
    • Please provide images or graphics at least 200 dpi actual size of your order.
    • Please outline the fonts.
    • Save your files as pdf format.
    • Make sure there is no wordings or element are set on overprint.