Image Magic Printing Sdn Bhd

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12Oz Latte Mug - Artwork Size 118mm x 256mm15Oz White Mug - Artwork Size 107mm x 235mm
Price Total :
Unit Price :RM10.83
Total Price (Include Shipping):RM216.55
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White Mugs as unique as your brand.

Promotional white mugs can be used in any industry sector, and are often cherished by their owners.

Design your own mugs, a gift for special memories.

Whether you're a coffee, tea, or hot milo fan, we got the right mug to start your day. Choose your favaurite size from 11Oz , 12Oz and 15Oz. It easy to print your advertisement or group picture so that it create long lasting memories to everyone who use the mug.

Mugs Type and Size

  • 11Oz White Mug - 81mm (w) x 95mm (h)
  • 12Oz Latte Mug - 60mm (base width) x 100mm (h) x 90mm (top width)
  • 15Oz White Mug - 65mm (base width) x 115mm (h) x 85mm (top width)

Mugs printable size

  • 11Oz - 94mm x 225mm
  • 12Oz - 118mm  256mm
  • 15Oz - 107mm x 235mm

*Individual Blank Box Packing

Please follow our guidelines when preparing for your artwork.

  • Download our templates, make sure your artwork is in the safe zone.
  • Please provide images or graphics at least 200 dpi actual size of your order.
  • Please outline the fonts.
  • Save your files as pdf format.
  • Make sure there is no wordings or element are set on overprint.

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